Thursday, June 01, 2006

I'm only after your money...

OK. I know I haven’t posted anything even tangentially related to fitness since March. Which is very bad of me. Not that I’ve posted about anything very much, recently. There isn’t a good reason why. Life’s been a bit stressful for various reasons – stuff to do with buying the house, job-hunting, and just life in general, and… I’ve needed my brain for other things. Or that’s how it feels.

The running is actually going quite well. The challenge which I set myself, before the wedding, of increasing the length of my runs is continuing; I can now run for 27 minutes on the flat without stopping to walk, and have increased my average speed as well (from 8 kph to 8.6 kph yesterday).

I’ve now been running for over a year. I originally started last April so that I could do the Race for Life in the summer, which I duly did.

Now a year has passed. I’ve learned to enjoy running and miss it when I can’t get my run. That is a very strange thought.

Last year, I was all apprehensive about doing the race. This year, not so much. I’ve done three 5Ks now, and I know I can finish without dying, injuring myself, or feeling too self-conscious. I haven’t posted about the race because I haven’t altered my routine to train for it; the things I had to learn last year have become part of my life.

In fact I was feeling so zen that I barely noticed the race was coming up and haven’t done a lot about getting sponsorship for it. So (and here we come to the point. Sorry)…

The race is on Sunday, for Cancer Research UK. If anyone would like to sponsor me, you can do it online at . I’ll be pathetically grateful, and will provide photographic proof of having finished.

I’ll probably be amusingly purple in the face. But perhaps not quite so purple as last year.